Vincent Lauenstein

Vincent Lauenstein

Chief Operating Officer

About Vincent

Vincent Lauenstein is an explorer of of change. His specialty is opening spaces for reflection and navigation of this ever-changing human experience, on an organizational as well as individual level.

His professional career is traversing sectors as easily as borders, from start-up experience at the crossroads between social, public and private sector to long years of work in the field of New Work, his habitat spans integral and systemic approaches of organizational and team development as well as Design Thinking, Mindfulness and Non-Violent Communication. And to add yet another layer, he is also an internationally active visual artist specialized in digital live-performances.

Keeping a beginner’s mind and reveling in the ever-new encounters and challenges this life holds, his sharp mind and laid-back attitude make him a great guide in the process of achieving results by listening to what wants to emerge.