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Meet your future super self

Using latest research and technological advancement to bring super human performance into everyday life

Nurture you soul   &   Digitize your life
Ancient wisdom    &    Latest research
Open new doors   &    Live in balance

A child climbing a ladder to get a winning cup
a person watering a growing a plant coming of of symbolized head
A girl doing meditation at home
“The process of achieving something is the solution itself, the goal serves as your vision in life”
Martin Reckel - CEO

16 week program

8 Weeks
HERO program
Week- 2
Growth mindset
North Star
Habit changed
8 Weeks
CARE program
Goals &
System health check
Implement and
Life long community

Welcome the most powerful YOU !!!

Picture yourself thriving with a harmonious mind, body, and soul connection. You'll be more resilient, focused, and capable of creating the life you've always desired.This is the transformation that awaits you with the HERO program.With newfound balance and energy, you'll be equipped to face any challenge and achieve your dreams

In order to spend more time doing the things that mattered most, something had to change. Imagine having enough time to learn to play an instrument, to take an art class, learn a new language or spend more time with your loved ones. This is all possible with proper time planning and management skills that you acquire during our program. Join us to rediscover the your true potential

Imagine bursting with energy, fueled by a harmonious balance of physical, mental, and psychological well-being. The HERO Program teaches you the essentials of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, incorporating mindfulness, diet, and exercise to boost your vitality. Feel invigorated and inspired to tackle each day with enthusiasm, as you unlock the full potential of your mind, body, and soul.

Envision a life where you confidently navigate challenges and setbacks, embracing a resilient and growth-oriented mindset. Our program empowers you to develop emotional intelligence, conquer self-doubt, and cultivate a positive outlook. As you transform your mental landscape, you'll discover the strength to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and thrive in every aspect of life.

Imagine mastering the art of learning, as you become an efficient and effective knowledge-seeker. Our cutting-edge program provides you with the tools and techniques to harness the power of metacognition, metalearning, and personal knowledge management. Accelerate your growth, absorb new information with ease, and become a lifelong learner, ready to adapt and excel in our ever-changing world.

A few indicators that the HERO-Progam will unleash your potential

Arrow pointing upwards

Reach your peak performance

Are you content with your physical fitness and work-out habits?

icon person holding a book

Knowledge Management

Do suffer for information overload and can't keep up with it?

Graph arrow going upwards

Continues learning

Feel overwhelmed by complexity in daily business & life?

Plant icon

Achieve personal growth

Do you ever imagine where you would be in life, if you had more discipline?

code icon

Master modern technologies

Are you overwhelmed by you the amount of tools and tasks?

A person standing on pedstal

Leadership skills

Are you able to focus on the important tasks in your business?

Our Learning path

Discover our learning path to reach your ultimate goals

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You will gain a deeper understanding of the science behind neuroplasticity and how it relates to your own learning and development. You will learn practical strategies and techniques to enhance your cognitive abilities, improve your memory, and increase your focus and concentration.

But the benefits of this module go beyond just improving your cognitive abilities. As you delve deeper into the world of neuroplasticity, you will begin to see a transformation in your overall mindset and approach to life. You will develop a growth mindset, which will allow you to embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

"You are who you believe yourself to be, your world is only a mirror of your mind"

You will see real life examples of hundreds of people who mastered their minds and tranformed their life.
So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Let’s get started!
  • The mind
  • What is neuroplasticity
  • Habits building
  • Core skills (speed reading, touch typing and enhanced comprehension)
  • Creating a learning stratgy
  • Learning maps
  • Measuing and iteration
  • Dopamine detox
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Your well being defines your physical, mental and emotional health. Keeping your power and strength on the highest level you are prepared for handling every day life and work requirements and pick up new things quickly.

"There´s nothing more important than our good health - that´s our principal capital asset." 
- Arlen Specter

Good news  - staying healthy is simple!
Humans are a highly complex developed living system but a few fundamental rules build the basis for your healthy condition long term.Remembering our roots, where the human species comes from and what our body really needs on a daily basis is the key.
  • Food and body
  • Physical exercise
  • Mental gym
  • Meditation
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Spiritual alignment
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Up to 40% of the energy that our whole body system is creating is used by our brain and mental capacities.

"An effective brain  -  needs a healthy body!"

Higher energy level means more power, more focus and concentration, for achieving your goals.A fundamental basis for an effective working style, a stable physical condition and much more.

And by the way a nice side effect ... you will live longer ..... you are more attractive .... & could enjoy all areas of live much better.healthy condition long term.

Energy - is the most powerful weapon for your body and soul and directly connected with success and happiness.
  • Ikigai
  • Finding the WHY
  • Self confidence
  • KPIs and OKRs (goal setting)
  • Getting over procastination
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Pay it forward
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Being Resilient in life means, the ability to cope with crises. Like a bamboo in the wind: resilient, flexible, full of resilience and resistance, yielding, elastic. Hard times bounce off because of your mindset and ability to use them as an occasion for development by drawing on personal and socially mediated resources.

The very good news: resilience can be learned by everyone!

Actively solving your own problems and regular recovery promote resilience. Over 80% of our decisions are tricked by our subconscious. Knowing how to control and use your mindset in the right way is the key for your Resilience. This gives you strength and self-confidence. You will learn how to respond to problems and changes by adjusting your behavior.
  • Emotional stability
  • Memory boost
  • Building character
  • Dealing with fear
  • Accepting rejection
  • Learning optimism
  • Problem solving
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Modern life has the tendency that more and more information reaches all of us. To make things worse we invented new forms and channels of communication as well.
"Information overload" starts for all of us as we are grown up  and get worse entering business later on.

“Organization is half the battle"

Knowing how to organize yourself is important for your time management and for not feeling overwhelmed as later on you will feel helpless and paralyzed.
Solutions, tools and learning; we offer in a nutshell for you. This will answer the burning questions every modern human is faced with at the moment:  

- How to select information
- How to structure relevant data and Information sourc
- know the tools and digital helpers that make your live easier, 
- know how to plan, organize, realize, act and do something while handling daily challenges

Know how to reduce complexity and make life easier for you  >> as a result you will have more time for yourself and the loved ones.
  • Time blocking
  • Knowledge management
  • Building a second brain
  • Bi-directional linking
  • System sync
  • Automation
  • Data acquisition
  • Idea collision
  • Expression