Activate your business
Innovation & Success

by combining the transformation of:



Organizational Best Practices

Develop the individual skills as basis for effective teamwork and leadership as all people and managers must first mature and grow personally before they can lead others effectively and efficiently.

Check and consult the internal organization. This includes all structures with all its guidelines and rules, communication and meeting culture, bonus and OKR regulations as well as project execution.




Consultancy /


Personal growth for:

Management & Leadership
Talents & Teams
Projects &

A new kind of trustworthy leadership based on authentic exemplary behavior and transparent communication is required.

Re-design and alignment of:

Decision responsibility & result orientation
coordinated processes & procedures,
innovative culture & values,
guidelines & regulations.

The redesign and activation of organizational capabilities different from those that helped them succeeded in the past.

Transform your Organization

Results for your company by a dual combined program

For peak management performance & enhanced business results

  • Identifies personal potential and existing hurdles in the organization
  • Enables personal changes, revive business passion and innovation
  • Implements professional leadership and innovative growth company culture
  • Keeps your best people loyal and motivated
  • Creates new internal organizational design by identifying bottlenecks
  • Promoting lean processes and interfaces in the decision making process
Transform your Organization

Sustainable success is a combination

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Transformation 2.0

Transformation with Metalearners means empowering both areas that are relevant for business success.

Leadership & business development has never been more urgent.
Companies realize that surviving in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous environment; needs professional leadership, and working culture re-design.

With you will never  feel
Energy drain
Stuck with no progress
Overwhelmed by daily Information overload
Learning fatigue

Take your business to the next level, with proven approaches to leadership, and organization development

As a company


outstanding, fascinating and unique and share one vision

For your employees


a place where they feel comfortable and there is trust 

For candidates


attractive by your spirit and for their development


How it works in a nutshell




Consultancy /


Program Kick Off
Get together intro and overview of program
for all stakeholders and participants
60 min. Live or online

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8 Weeks core HERO program

Embark on eight weeks journey through the program where you will explore modules, covering
- Health
- Energy
- Resilience
- Organization
- Self Development
- Enhanced learning abilities

Each module includes workshops where she needs to take home assignments and practical implementation exercises designed to help you establish key concepts in your every day life.

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Evaluation and Familiarization

- Decision responsibilities
- Processes
- Guidelines
- Regulations
- Procedures
- Company values

Focus interviews with stakeholders according to the workflows and business structures.

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8 weeks “CARE” phase

Transformation requires routine and anchoring in everyday life. 
Each week we will have a 15 min checkpoint. 
In addition to a 1-hour class reflection on what we learned as well as deepening the individual aspects.

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Development of best practice recommendations according to leading industrial standards and company culture.

Action plan:
Discussion of the proposals and implementation steps, as well as the responsibilities for the project action points.

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Change starts within you - discover, and be aware of yourself & who you are ?

HERO program offers best preparation for future life and business success, an inspiring 8 + 8 weeks journey with a life changing effect.

acquire   ➡ adopt   ➡ practice   ➡ integrate actively   ➡ apply in life

You will overcome your habits and failures, gain self-confidence, new powerful energy and motivation and consciousness for your success and a satisfying life
Awaken your HERO
Ignite your self-responsibility
Reshape your self belief
Transform your life
Gear - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Set goals for re-design

Together we align an action points, or transforming relevant areas of internal organizations, and define:

WHO, WHAT, WHEN of the projects?

Successful businesses require both

accessable icon

Outstanding leadership performance, which drives creativity and continued growth

affordable icon

Perfectly coordinated internal processes & procedures, guidelines & regulations,
and an innovative effective culture

Ultimate path for

effective leadership  
innovation power  
personal development

3 Layers of successful leadership

Understand inside for leading others

3 sentiments faces with an arrow directed towards a person

Power & Leadership begins from within!

Power & Leadership begins from within!
If you are able to see how emotions affect your live, and learn how to control your weaknesses - You unlock your brain power. You could never get complete control, but awareness is almost enough! Slowly through the process of knowing how you are you understand other people and know how they operate
Icons of resources and process

"Dual transformation"

Supplemented with the right management tools and methods you transform and got an authentic, effective and professional leader by acting and practicing by example on a daily basis.
icon of light blub idea

"Organizational Excellence"

Is the second key element for success & an innovative culture.This includes OKRs, bonus structures, processes and PMO organization as well as guidance and regulations

Combining leadership coaching and development
With cutting edge science
Organization development tools improvement

For successful business and Outstanding results
Companies need both:

Icon person with a gear, arrow upwards toward a star

Best in class management
team and employees

Icon effective organization departemtns

Highly effective
internal organization

We empower and strengthen your management team to be best in class as a basis for your market success.

Customized coaching and development based on a unique holistic program,to inspire the mind & mental power as well as the health.

Metalearners HERO program is a unique approach for the development and leadership culture of companies

Get more info
pyramid of building blocks of systems